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3 Lesser-Known Causes of Painful Intercourse

Painful intercourse is an incredibly common issue among women of all ages. And unfortunately, its effects go far beyond the physical. Pain with sex can also cause emotional distress, low self-esteem, and even relationship problems for the women who experience it. 

One of the most well-known causes of painful intercourse is vaginal dryness, particularly after menopause. Dropping estrogen levels during menopause often lead to thinning and drying of the vaginal tissues, making sex painful. 

However, not every woman’s symptoms fit this description, and other, lesser-known conditions can also cause pain during sex.

Farly Sejour, MD, Natalie Gould, WHNP-BC, and our team at Solace Women's Care are here to help. We specialize in helping women work through intimacy issues, including pain with sex. Here’s what you need to know about three lesser-known causes.

1. Endometriosis

As many as 10% of women have endometriosis, a condition where the tissue that normally lines the inside of your uterus starts to grow outside it. This tissue, called the endometrium, can attach to your ovaries, fallopian tubes, the outer surface of your uterus, and other organs within your pelvis.

During your menstrual cycle, this misplaced tissue thickens, breaks down, and bleeds just like normal endometrial tissue. But because it has no way to exit your body, it gets trapped and causes inflammation, pain, and scar tissue formation.

Women who have endometriosis often experience pain during intercourse, particularly during deep penetration. Endometrial overgrowth can cause inflammation and adhesions in your pelvic area, which can be aggravated during sex. The pain can range from mild to severe and debilitating.

2. Urinary tract infections (UTIs)

Around half of all women get a urinary tract infection (UTI) in their lifetimes. UTIs develop when bacteria gets inside your urinary tract and causes inflammation and infection in your bladder, urethra, or kidneys.

Symptoms typically include a strong, persistent urge to urinate, a burning sensation when urinating, and cloudy or strong-smelling urine. And for some women, UTIs can also cause pelvic pain and discomfort during sex.

The infection and inflammation associated with UTIs can make the tissues in your urinary tract and surrounding areas more sensitive and prone to pain. During intercourse, the pressure and friction can exacerbate these symptoms, leading to significant discomfort.

3. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

About 1 in 5 Americans has a sexually transmitted disease (STD). STDs are a significant — but often overlooked — cause of painful intercourse. Common STDs like chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, and trichomoniasis can cause a range of symptoms, including pain during sex.

For instance, chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause cervicitis, an inflammation of your cervix, which can result in pain during penetration. 

Herpes infections can cause painful sores and blisters in your genital area, making any contact extremely painful. Trichomoniasis can lead to itching, burning, and soreness in your vagina, contributing to discomfort during sex.

Are you experiencing pain with sex? It’s not normal, and you don’t have to suffer in silence. Our team is here to help you find the cause behind your symptoms and get you started on a treatment plan that makes a difference.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Sejour and our team to learn more about your options. Call our Conroe, Texas, office at 936-441-7100 or send us a message online today.

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