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5 Early Signs That You May Be Pregnant

Ovulation is the point in your menstrual cycle when you can get pregnant. It occurs in the middle of your cycle, when an egg is released from your ovaries. The time between ovulation and your next period is 10-14 days, on average. 

The most obvious early sign of pregnancy is a missed period. But waiting nearly two weeks until you miss a period isn’t easy if you’re hoping to get pregnant. 

Pregnancy is a complicated, natural process that triggers changes throughout your body — and some of these changes start almost immediately after conception. Learning to notice the early signs of pregnancy can help you determine whether you could be expecting.

Farly Sejour, MD, and our OB/GYN team at Solace Women's Care partner with you from the very beginning of your pregnancy. We offer comprehensive prenatal care to ensure you stay healthy and your baby has the best possible start to life.

Wondering if you might be pregnant? Learn more about some of the most common early signs of pregnancy.

1. Missed period

Your menstrual cycle might be the best way to identify whether you're pregnant, and the most noticeable symptom of early pregnancy is missing your period. In general, you might be pregnant if your period is at least a week late. 

However, a missed period doesn’t always indicate pregnancy, particularly if your periods are typically irregular. If you miss a period or you get a positive result with an at-home pregnancy test, schedule your first prenatal appointment with Dr. Sejour.

2. Nausea

Nausea is a hallmark of early pregnancy. It’s often called morning sickness, but nausea can happen at any time of the day or night. Feelings of nausea may or may not be accompanied by vomiting.

Some women begin to feel nauseous around their fifth week of pregnancy, while others may not suffer nausea until week eight or later. Not every woman experiences nausea or vomiting during pregnancy.

3. Fatigue

Fatigue is extreme tiredness, and it’s a common sign of early pregnancy. Hormonal changes that prepare your body for a growing baby can sap your energy and make you feel drowsy or exhausted.

To counteract tiredness, make sure you get enough sleep. Begin eating a healthy, balanced diet, and consider adding pregnancy-safe exercise to your daily routine to boost energy.

4. Breast sensitivity

Hormonal changes can make your breasts tender, sensitive, or swollen in the first few weeks of pregnancy. These negative symptoms may disappear after a month or so, when your body adjusts to higher hormone levels.

You might notice changes in the way your breasts look, too. As breast tissue thickens in preparation for milk production, veins get more visible and nipples may change color. 

5. Light bleeding or cramping

It can take up to two weeks after conception for the fertilized egg to implant in your uterine lining. Light bleeding and cramping are common when implantation occurs. Uterine expansion in the first few months of pregnancy may also cause cramps.

Since cramps and spotting are common premenstrual symptoms, it’s possible to mistake implantation symptoms as the arrival of your period. If you think you might be pregnant, take an at-home test or make an appointment at our office.

Seek immediate medical care if you get intense cramping or vaginal bleeding at any point during pregnancy. These can be a sign of miscarriage or other complications.

While these symptoms can be early signs that you may be pregnant, every woman experiences pregnancy differently. Your symptoms won’t be exactly like those of your friends. In fact, the symptoms you notice with your first pregnancy might vary from your second, and so on.

Partner with Dr. Sejour and our team, whether you’re pregnant or considering trying for a baby. Call our Conroe, Texas, office today at 936-441-7100 to book your first appointment. You can also send a message to our team here on our website.

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