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Changing Your Workout Routine While You’re Pregnant

Changing Your Workout Routine While You’re Pregnant

Woman Caressing Her Stomach While Pregnant

You’re pregnant! Congratulations! It doesn’t matter if this is your first or fifth baby; it’s always exciting as you consider the new life forming inside of your body. Many changes are in store for you, some wanted and some unwanted.

One change you will need to consider is your workout routine. In many cases, you may continue to workout as you normally would before pregnancy. The most important thing is asking your doctor if this is ok to do. In many cases, you can continue, but it must be modified in some ways.

There are other workouts you may want to begin when you know you’re pregnant to prepare you for giving birth. Please talk with us at Solace Women’s Care before you begin any of these to ensure that your body is ready for these. You can read more about reasons why it may not be right to exercise during pregnancy here. Here are some exercises that you CAN do while you are pregnant.

Come see us at Solace Women’s Care for us to help guide you through all your needs and questions during your pregnancy.

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