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How Do I Prepare for Minimally Invasive Gynecology Surgery?

From hysterectomy to cancer treatment, gynecology surgery plays a vital role in female reproductive health. However, traditional surgical methods often mean large abdominal incisions, long hospital stays, and slow recoveries.

Minimally invasive surgery has revolutionized gynecologic care. Minimally invasive surgery, including robotic, laparoscopic, and hysteroscopic techniques, uses the latest in medical technology to offer better outcomes with less downtime.

Farly Sejour, MD, and our surgical team at Solace Women’s Care perform minimally invasive gynecology surgeries with the da Vinci Surgical System, a leading robotic surgical platform. Small incisions mean less blood loss and faster recovery, so you can return to your life more quickly.

If you’re considering minimally invasive surgery to improve your gynecologic health, find out how to prepare for your procedure here.

Your pre-operative consultation

Our team offers comprehensive consultations to determine if minimally invasive surgery is right for you. We review your condition, symptoms, and medical history before making a treatment recommendation.

Some common minimally invasive gynecology surgeries include:

Some gynecologic conditions, like uterine fibroids and polyps, may not need surgery at all. Dr. Sejour may recommend a hysteroscopy procedure in these situations, which requires no anesthesia and no incisions.

Depending on your health history and your procedure, you could be a candidate for outpatient gynecology surgery. You can go home the same day with outpatient surgery, but if you do need to stay in the hospital, you can expect to be discharged within a few days.

Before the day of surgery

If Dr. Sejour determines that you’re a good candidate for minimally invasive gynecology surgery, our team gives you detailed instructions to prepare yourself for surgery. Each woman’s instructions may vary, but preparation generally includes stopping certain medications, undergoing preoperative testing, and fasting.

It’s important to talk to our team about any medications you take regularly, because you may need to temporarily stop taking them before surgery. These often include painkillers containing aspirin and blood-thinning medications.

Our team may order bloodwork, radiology testing, or an echocardiogram (EKG) to assess your overall health before surgery. This is particularly important if your surgery requires general anesthesia. Attend all of your preoperative appointments to avoid your surgery being delayed.

Some gynecology surgeries require bowel preparation, which means cleansing your bowel of solid material the day before your procedure. If you need to prep your bowel, we give you instructions for transitioning to a clear liquid diet.

The morning of surgery

Most surgeries require a period of fasting, so talk to Dr. Sejour about when you should begin fasting before surgery. You could be asked to avoid all food and drinks (even clear liquids) for at least six hours before your surgery, even if it doesn’t require bowel prep.

Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes to the office or hospital on the day of your procedure. Leave jewelry at home. Bring a friend or family member who can stay in the building during your procedure and drive you home if you’re having outpatient surgery.

Dr. Sejour gives you instructions for caring for yourself following surgery, and he may schedule a follow-up appointment to evaluate your progress. Follow our guidelines and remember to contact us if you have any questions during recovery.

Call the Solace Women’s Care office in Conroe, Texas, to schedule an appointment today. You can also send a message to Dr. Sejour and the team here on our website.

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